I'm trained and licensed in marriage & family therapy, which is a “systems” approach: we’re all part of a larger world and have specific roles in it. Family, love, school, work...wherever you belong, you have a role, habits, patterns, and beliefs.
Since we learn “who we are” from our experiences, we often continue to accept old ideas of ourselves or of our responsibilities. How I and others see me is “who I am;” what they like makes me valuable.
That’s fine unless it doesn’t fit, in which case you wonder why you don’t feel settled, or you’re angry, or hurt.
I will help you listen more to yourself, your own perspective, your feelings, your needs and preferences. When you listen, you increasingly stand on your own ground and make choices which respond to your unique self.
You may choose not to act on your feelings (especially if doing so would hurt others), but self-awareness and self-respect are part of any good relationship -- whether with others or with yourself. You might as well get more familiar with yourself and take your Self seriously; divorce is not an option.
I'm available for consultation in person, or electronically (Skype, FaceTime, etc.), or on the telephone.
Contact me for more information.